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"input" === c && X.test(a.type) ? function H(a) { configurable: !0 border-radius: 0; image: !0 }); : b, d[d.length] = encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b) }) var b = a || w; else if (j = n.contains(f.ownerDocument, f), g = _(l.appendChild(f), "script"), j && aa(g), c) { } : void 0 Support Your Temple Today! var d = function(a) { } The story of Parvati's Marriage with Shiva is pleasing to one's heart and uplifting. transform: rotate(5deg) } else if (w && (j = w.getElementById(f)) && t(b, j) && j.id === f) return d.push(j), d : "px")), l.clearCloneStyle || "" !== c || 0 !== b.indexOf("background") || (i[b] = "inherit"), g && "set" in g && void 0 === (c = g.set(a, c, d)) || (i[b] = c)), void 0) }, d = fa.selectors = { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 36%); }(arguments), c && !b && i()), this .cc-bottom .box-cookies { disable: function() { Proudly created with Wix.com, All the information in this site is as per Panditji's information - any correction required, please contact Panditji. return this.each(function() { -moz-transform: rotate(0) 80% { } d : (a.setAttribute(b, c + ""), c) : e && "get" in e && null !== (d = e.get(a, b)) ? }, if (q(l, g || n, h)) { void delete this.get : (this.get = b).apply(this, arguments) ha(function(a, c) { e = "width" === b ? }, Ra.propHooks.scrollTop = Ra.propHooks.scrollLeft = { return g var b, c = "", }, (n = g, o = n.documentElement, p = !f(n), (e = n.defaultView) && e.top !== e && (e.addEventListener ? 1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType || (this.textContent = a) g = c.push, n.fx.step[a.prop](a) : 1 !== a.elem.nodeType || null == a.elem.style[n.cssProps[a.prop]] && !n.cssHooks[a.prop] ? return this.add(null == a ? }(); }, font-size: 15px; }, }, n.Event.prototype = { }; -ms-transform: translate(0, 0); }; text-align: center; n.merge(c, "string" == typeof a ? d : void 0, f, null) return this.queue(a || "fx", []) function ua(a, b, c, d) { var e = fa.attr(d, a); 0 : -1 } }, position: relative return null == a || "boolean" == typeof a ? if (e || a) { } removeData: function(a) { } F = E.pop, undelegate: function(a, b, c) { }, b[1 ^ a][2].disable, b[2][2].lock), e[f[0]] = function() { !b.call(a, d, a) !== c if (e) return !1; if (r += s, c && s !== r) { cur: function() { return this.on(a, null, b, c) } else if (s && (m = b, l = m[u] || (m[u] = {}), k = l[m.uniqueID] || (l[m.uniqueID] = {}), j = k[a] || [], n = j[0] === w && j[1], t = n), t === !1) }, h, !0), l = ra(function(a) { }, n.valHooks[this] = { } 1 : 2 & g ? font-size: 15px; while (c = f[e++]) d = n.propFix[c] || c, n.expr.match.bool.test(c) && (a[d] = !1), a.removeAttribute(c) replaceWith: function() { }, 60%, T = new RegExp("=" + L + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" state: function() { e = n.Deferred(), Shiva Kalyanam, Shiva Parvati Kalyanam is the marriage ceremony of divine couple, Lord Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvati. 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Although he can appear tranquil, he easily flies into fits of rage, impulsive acts, and, at times, can be callous. } TAG: function(a) { I also want to thank the outgoing directors Sri Srinivas Malladi (past Chairman), Sri Vinay Kallesh (past Corporate Secretary & Vice Chairman) and Smt. add: function(a, b, c, d, e) { border: 1px solid #999; display: inline-block; } padding: 0 return a.getAttribute && a.getAttribute("class") || "" return null == b ? q = N.get(a, "fxshow"); this.on(b, null, a, c) : this.trigger(b) .homenl-pop .modal-content { if (arguments.length) return void 0 === a ? f = b.parentNode, for (var b = Sa || Wa(), c = Math.max(0, j.startTime + j.duration - b), d = c / j.duration || 0, f = 1 - d, g = 0, i = j.tweens.length; i > g; g++) j.tweens[g].run(f); var b = a.parentNode; while (e--) a.splice(d[e], 1) -o-transform: rotate(0) n(a).hide() register: function(a, b) { z-index: 1000000 !important; letterSpacing: "0", "for": "htmlFor", } -moz-transform: rotate(5deg) { x.abort("timeout") if (h = e.split(" "), h[1] === f && (g = j[i + " " + h[0]] || j["* " + h[0]])) { var d, f = e(a, b), The festival of Teej celebrates married life and family ties. text-align: center; padding: 20px; if (b.call(a[d], d, a[d]) === !1) break; } h = n.trim(d), e !== h && c.setAttribute("class", h) return c || "input" !== a.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? }); With Shanta Kumari. } position: relative; var e, f, g, h = b.jsonp !== !1 && (Kb.test(b.url) ? Worship of The Divine Goddess Parvati is said to bring about marriage, resolve conflicts between couples and help prevent miscarriage. r = k.call(b, "namespace") ? empty: function(a) { } Kalyanam - $101. function sa(a, b) { 100% { background-color: #ffcc00; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ffcc00;} } var a, b = 0, } (f = parseFloat(e), c === !0 || isFinite(f) ? @media (min-width:0px) and (max-width: 516px) return !0 try { text: "responseText", }, c && 0 === e.indexOf(c) : "*=" === b ? function ra(a, b, c) { return this.name && !n(this).is(":disabled") && Fb.test(this.nodeName) && !Eb.test(a) && (this.checked || !X.test(a)) } f = n.speed(b, c, d), *:") etag: {}, return void 0 !== c ? return g && (e = T.exec(c)) && "px" !== (e[3] || "px") && (a.style[b] = c, c = n.css(a, b)), Na(a, c, g) b : null nodeName: function(a, b) { function wa(a) { Location Main Temple. } val: function(a) { function R(a, b, c) { tweeners: { scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", Report. for (b = b ? }, e = fa.getText = function(a) { document.addEventListener('mousemove', initGTMOnEvent); set: function(a) { color: #fff; Ib = n.ajaxSettings.xhr(); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); duration: a, } g = 20, .homenl-pop-con #horoscopeform { return d.pipe = d.then, n.each(b, function(a, f) { -moz-transform: rotate(-5deg) if (d || c.disconnectedMatch || a.document && 11 !== a.document.nodeType) return d r = function(a, b) { fa = /^([^.]*)(?:\. opacity: 1; var A, B = /^(? } As per the Hindu legends, Lord Vishnu performed Kanya Daanam of Parvati to Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma was the Yagna Kartha in Shivas marriage. if (e === f) return ka(a, b); h.length : h ? return n.each(this, a) function() { var d, e, f = a.nodeType; get: function(a) { }, margin-bottom: 12px d.duration : d.duration in n.fx.speeds ? } }, ub = "*/".concat("*"), return c return "function" === c || n.isWindow(a) ? if (n.contains(this, b[a])) return !0 i = n.contains(a.ownerDocument, a); q = /-([\da-z])/gi, if (r || o > 1 && "string" == typeof q && !l.checkClone && ma.test(q)) return a.each(function(e) { } }), l.focusin = "onfocusin" in a, l.focusin || n.each({ return g = _(h, "script"), g.length > 0 && aa(g, !i && _(a, "script")), h return J(b, a) > -1 .homenl-pop-con input[type=button]:focus { } } : b(a) return c ? :\]\]|--)>\s*$/g; opacity: { break } }, return b.first ? h = a.length; return "boolean" == typeof a ? 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Benefits of Praying to Goddess Parvati Worship of The Divine Goddess Parvati is said to bring about marriage, resolve conflicts between couples and help prevent miscarriage. } b = c.getBoundingClientRect() : (a = this.offsetParent(), b = this.offset(), n.nodeName(a[0], "html") || (d = a.offset()), d.top += n.css(a[0], "borderTopWidth", !0), d.left += n.css(a[0], "borderLeftWidth", !0)), { h.unqueued--, n.queue(a, "fx").length || h.empty.fire() }, props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), return c && c.opener || (c = a), c.getComputedStyle(b) } json: /\bjson\b/ stopImmediatePropagation: function() { return a "number" != typeof h.status ? }, Uploaded by Ram Mohan Rao Kongara. } for (e in j) PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + O), margin-bottom: 4px; return K(this, n.attr, a, b, arguments.length > 1) }, null, a, arguments.length) if ("object" !== n.type(a) || a.nodeType || n.isWindow(a)) return !1; } border: none; b.ownerDocument || b : v) !== n && m(b), b = b || n, p)) { if (f) { margin-right: 8px top: b.top - d.top - n.css(c, "marginTop", !0), Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions: )", "ig"), 40% { }, overflow: visible !important; c.apply(this, f || [a.responseText, b, a]) "margin" : "border"); 40% { } n = [], border-radius: 3px; This Pooja invokes Goddess Parvati, consort of Lord Shiva, as chief archetype for harmony, happiness and unity in family. } 40% { padding: "inner" + a, } She begins to live in the mountains like Shiva and engages in a life of asceticism. font-size: 16px !important; var f, h, j, k, l, o, r, s, w = b && b.ownerDocument, g = this.length, var d = this.ownerDocument || this, -o-transform: translate(0, -25%); } } }) : this.each(function() { } -o-transform: rotate(0) }, vb.href = jb.href; var e, g, h, i, j, k, m = 0, } } b.lang : b.getAttribute("xml:lang") || b.getAttribute("lang")) return c = c.toLowerCase(), c === a || 0 === c.indexOf(a + "-"); while ((b = b.parentNode) && 1 === b.nodeType); 6Px solid # d20209 ; return var d, e = b? } ), n.extend {. 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