making the most of your next OBGYN appointment, light bleeding that can occur in the very early stages of pregnancy, Lochia is natural bleeding that occurs after having a baby, Natracare x Surf and Clean: Riding the Sustainability Wave, Significantly irregular cycles, varying in length; shorter than 24 days or longer than 38, If youve experienced menopause and are bleeding. Copy link #3 Are you talking about voodoo spaghetti which is an actual dish Or voodoo put in my meatballs and spaghetti-LOL . I have reddish orange blood at the end of my period. My period is 4 days long. "Hold yourself aloof," was how one woman put it to me. They may function as territory markers to other females, of course. Read Less. Hi Gloria, sounds like it might be worth a visit to your local healthcare provider to check whats going on for you. Ah've lost mah nature mahself dat way an' ah've gained it back dat way. Hey, an occasionally irregualr period shouldnt be too much to be worried about, but if youre concerned we recommend speaking with a doctor if you can! 4 Even though scientists haven't confirmed a direct correlation, some people have tried infusing their menstrual blood into face masks to see if it makes a difference. I also rarely experience cramps but this time they have been so bad that it hurts to move occasionally. As far as I know, theres no male version of this Consequently, I dont eat anyones spaghetti other than my own. As stated above, to put nails into a drink, you'd want the nail filings (dust), not big ol' hunky shards or clippings. These often change on different days of your period e.g. Considering that this act seems especially heinous, would feeding someone period blood without their consent be considered a sexual assault or a regular assault? So if youre considering taking this step, think twice before you do anything you might regret later. Since I got married I can beat my chest and say my husband has never misbehaved outside. MAN'S SEMEN IN PILLOW CAUSES IMPOTENCE {TIES HIS NATURE}. Having a period is an amazing way your body stays healthy, clears your uterus and vagina of unwanted materials, and prepares your body to get pregnant if you want to have a baby. My period also take forever to end. Outside of your regular period cycle, pink spotting can be from mid-cycle (ovulatory) bleeding, this is quite common and normal for some people. Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic. She goes on to say that once a month when shes on her period she puts her period blood in the spaghetti sauce she feeds me. However, passing large blood clots may be a sign that something's wrong. PUTTING PERIOD BLOOD IN MY HUSBAND SPAGHETTI.. (BAD IDEA)P.O BOX 599Katy TX, 77492Amiyah's Channel channel But clotting may be a cause for concern if the clots are larger than a quarter or accompanied by heavy bleeding that forces you to change your pad or tampon more than once an hour. This was done to bind him, but to avoid the sneakiness of slipping it into his drinks i want him to KNOW how much i want him to be mine, and to know that i am working the spell on him right out in the open.. Im 10 days late on my period and I have never been this late. We'll use the information you provide in this form to send you updates by email. Conversely, chamber lye has its strengths -- a man can use his own urination to cure a case of impotence that was put on him through magic. If a person got chew fixed so yo' ain't got no manhood wit churself, yo' jes' go an' make water into a red ant's nest. Is this normal??? There are multiple reasons why you might bleed during pregnancy, so its best to let a professional take a look at what might be happening. I am having blood stains and few drops or more almost everyday from the last one month. Postmenopausal Bleeding: What is it? Hey Nona, we recommend checking in with a doctor to be sure! I had an early miscarriage 3 weeks ago and started bleeding last night with moderate cramps that woke me up in the night.. if its just my period then its 6 days early.. I have black blood this is the first time that 2 days I have still black blood.. Before first day only This is normal or I need to go and consult about this? I wokeup with cramps like period ones, and i went to the restroom and had a slightly light, but really rusty red flow. If its the only blood you see over multiple periods, its a possible sign that your estrogen levels are low. Or in other words, I havent had my period in 10 months. Just as female humans are attracted to male underarm scents (rich in androstenone) so are male humans attracted to female vaginal scents, a complex compound of uterine menstruum, vaginal secretions, and lingering urine odors known collectively as "copulins." Hi . Thats it. My bleeding is black and if not very dark brown, its also stringy however not heavy what does this mean ?x, if you get it at the kinda end of ur period its normal i get the same thing. Im not pregnant. This classic love potion consists of a single drop of menstrual blood. For love, mind you, for love. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Search All Lucky Mojo and Affiliated Sites! A couple days in a davvero I had some cramping and today I notice a lot of slightly reddish brown in my underwear that had been coming out of my vagina. Most of us are glad to be rid of it when Aunt Flo comes to town, disposing of it along with tampons and pads or those cup things some of you are into shoving up your vajayjays to gather your blood. If its abnormal for you we suggest you see your doctor if possible! On average, people who menstruate lose ~ 70-80 ml of fluid (~ 35-40 ml of blood [1]) per period [2]. This sounds about right because day 6 will be towards the end of your period! I underwent an ovarian cyst surgery and got my one ovary and tube removed. My periods is always on time on the day predicted, this time I started bleeding 2 days before my period is due, My pad is clean but when I go pee then it is dark red stringy blood and big blobs that come out, after wiping then I am fine until I go pee again. My normal cycle is normally a 30 day cycle, but I was late for the first time in 6 years. For some women, its a way to get the attention back of a partner through pheromones. Someone suggested my post might be more appropriate here. Karezza is a sexual-metaphysical system in which heightened states of spirituality are believed to occur if both partners become highly aroused but hold back from having orgasms. I get heavy clotting on the first two days, plus my cycle is irregular at times, is this normal? Thanks for sharing! For a further documented series spells using salt in the German-American and African-American folk-magic traditions, see the page on Protection Spells. I am experiencing light pink period blood and its going on day 5 I am also having some cramping in vaginal area is that normal. Hope this helps . It may be a symptom of infection, such as. Ive only had a couple but its brown and stringy. 10273. My period isnt due until 5days. Passing blood clots larger than a quarter. Im 13 and I just started my first period and the blood is a really dark brown color and its thick. We are now exclusive and have a great relationship. Is this normal after giving birth? Is this normal? Put another way, menstrual blood is blood mixed with secretions from the vagina and cervix, old cellular tissue, red blood cells and mucin. Lennon's aim was to demonstrate that menstrual blood was a source of danger and power, an idea further argued in his monograph (2014, p. 56 and 84-85). Things were casual. Im on the implant and find Im bleeding almost constantly Ive been on it 2 years but as of lately Im bleeding non stop. In case you need me to tell you that feeding someone your period blood without their knowledge is probably a terrible idea, Im going to have to tell you that it is, in fact, a terrible idea. How do I know how long my first period will last? For about a month he said every time he busted a nut, it felt like someone was holding a lit match to his grown. Another is to urinate into a red ants nest. This the 1st time this is happening Im so confused. Hey Ana, this might simply be a sign of stress, but if youre worried we recommend you see a doctor to be sure! But for some women, surreptitiously adding a dollop of period blood to their partners food is a serious act of revenge. Their best alternative is to use vaginal fluids gathered after masturbation during the full moon. Light bleeding without cramps can be common! My flow was light, but was heavier than my spotting, is this my period? Im not sure what it is. Less likely, brown period blood could also be spotting from egg implantation light bleeding that can occur in the very early stages of pregnancy. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with and this can be a reddish brown colour. What if I somehow manipulated his feelings and he doesnt even know? The result will be urinary tract problems, ranging from cystitis and nephritis to prostatitis and kidney stones. Don . The are quite sizeable. Its the same exact situation! It's highly possible you'll notice jelly-like blood clots during the period from then on. I have seen some poorly made love spells work and make everyone miserable because the target gets obsessed. Bath water or left-over drinking water, soda, coffee, or tea from a person has special uses, as does the water they washed dishes or clothing in, if they scrubbed the dishes or clothes by hand. I had unprotected sex on the 27th and 28th July and we didnt use any contraception but I was on my 5 days period. Is this normal? No, Sir, place it in a secret place right over the door there or anywhere you can hide it -- up over her, where she goes through. Hi, my period recently kicked in and I seemed to have been shedding old blood. Not to get your boss to bend over, not to win in court, not to get lucky gambling numbers and make others lose . nope, getting someone to ingest your stuff, your personal concerns, that's used for domination or winning in L-O-V-E. And nails are a personal concern. You dont need any spells to go along with it supposedly the womans scent is added to the mans consciousness and hell either become obsessed with her, commit to her or never stray, depending on what the owner of the period blood is trying to achieve. Im not to sure why though? (I dont actually know). 4. If this continues to happen we recommend booking in to see your doctor if you can! Strange Comics as a magical system, by cat yronwode The Spirit Checklist: a 1940s newspaper comic book by Will Eisner, indexed by cat yronwode Fit to Print: collected weekly columns about comics and pop culture by cat yronwode Eclipse Comics Index: a list of all Eclipse comics, albums, and trading cards EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course with cat yronwode: 52 weekly lessons in book form Hoodoo Conjure Training Workshops: hands-on rootwork classes, lectures, and seminars Apprentice with catherine yronwode: personal 3-week training for qualified HRCC graduates Lucky Mojo Community Forum: an online message board for our occult spiritual shop customers Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour Radio Show: learn free magic spells via podcast download Lucky Mojo Videos: see video tours of the Lucky Mojo shop and get a glimpse of the spirit train Lucky Mojo Publishing: practical spell books on world-wide folk magic and divination Lucky Mojo Newsletter Archive: subscribe and receive discount coupons and free magick spells LMC Radio Network: magical news, information, education, and entertainment for all! Hey Bekkah, brown blood can be a sign of a healthy period. In other words, you mingle their "personal water" with your body fluids and then get the target to drink it. Dude. "Bright red usually means . Hi. In the folk magic of virtually every culture there are spells that make use of all of our bodily effluvia and detritus, including the amniotic sac (caul) of a baby, spit, semen, tears, urine, feces, head hair, pubic hair, and nail clippings. Below is the information about voodoo period blood in spaghetti . You may have low progesterone levels and high estrogen levels. Its dark and stringy and super light for 4 days and then just ends. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with. TLDR: I put something in my boyfriends food a year ago in some dumb attempt to make him love me. If you use a plastic surface just flake it up. If that is the way my marriage will be intact I have no regrets. If you want someone to love you, you can do a love spell, but you will want to do some mundane work to invoke love between you and your lover as well. When I read this, I thought this was crazy! Oct 26, 2005 2,965 11 Windy City . When you first start your period it can be much lighter than when your body gets into it normal menstrual rhythm youll have as an adult. I noticed I was bleeding and it was a Bright Redish/Pink color. It doesnt affect me getting pregnant at all. You can influence them on short term, but love doesnt work like that. Hey Beth, this sound slike it could be normal but if youre concerned we recommend speaking with a doctor if you can! Discard bay leaves. Ive had light watery bleeding for a month then a normal flow period for 6 days then back to watery blood again so basically 2 months of bleeding then a normal period what can this be ? It is the menses only you wish to get into the food. Follow Us on Facebook: get company news and product updates as a Lucky Mojo Facebook Fan ONLINE SHOPPING The Lucky Mojo Curio Co.: spiritual supplies for hoodoo, magick, witchcraft, and conjure Herb Magic: complete line of Lucky Mojo Herbs, Minerals, and Zoological Curios, with sample spells Mystic Tea Room Gift Shop: antique, vintage, and contemporary fortune telling tea cups PERSONAL SITES catherine yronwode: the eclectic and eccentric author of many of the above web pages nagasiva yronwode: nigris (333), nocTifer, lorax666, boboroshi, Troll Towelhead, ! Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals, and so they don't appreciate the fact that a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine, not men's. I originally posted to the relationship advice sub. at the outset of her period) she should be allowed to have all the orgasms she wants and that the man should go along with her and come too. Ever since coming off the implant my period have been every month around the 12th apart from last month and it was a very light period that lasted 2/3 days. Period is 11days early and Im changing my super tampon every hour to 45mins. Hi Nancy, it is quite normal to experience variations in menstrual cycle length between periods. We hope this helps! C. cursed heart Well-Known Member. Mermaid, here's the thing. One of the biggest reasons why period blood smells is because it has to exit through the vagina, which is full of bacteria. Dark red in color..Is it normal? Hey, it sounds like this could have been your first period. Because if you do that shit, you should totally ask the internet. I was changing nightime pads every two hours. I already feel like crap about what happened so please dont be too harsh. To be on the safe side, check in with your healthcare provider. He practically worships the feet I walkon. Hey Erin, we recommend taking a pregnancy test and possibly speaking to your doctor to be sure! Whether its thick or clumpy, or smooth and light different flow viscosity (i.e. During sex. I immediately left after now Im home.. When i have my period, it looks like it has been mixed with oil or like blood with mucus. That urine keeps her mine [mind] on that one man, her husband, when he is gone away from her, on a visit or somepin. Is this normal after going off of birth control sporadically during a period? Josh Geller ( gave this simple formula for an orgasmic spell utilizing semen: For every man who uses his semen to attract a woman, however, there are probably a hundred women who capture a man's semen to rule and control him or to keep him faithful. Trichomonas infection. Well, here's a clue: in humans, there is a notable difference between the sexes in regard to the body parts they sniff to get a whiff of attractant pheromones. When Do Most Girls Get Their Period? Chamber lye can be a vulnerable spot in a man or woman's periphery. From bright red to black, the colors of your period blood can make you look twice and give you a reason to wonder what's going on inside . In a Dutch oven. After 2 days I started to feel sick to my stomach when moving around and a bit nauseous. Its important to know what is normal for your period so you can tell when something is out of the ordinary and just not right. The most I would do on a specific person is work to open their heart and mind to communicate and see my good qualities. The following documentation on the use of body fluids in hoodoo spell-casting comes from "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork," a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Harry Middleton Hyatt, primarily between 1935 and 1939. Life can be frighteningly unpredictable. There are a variety of reasons why this might have happened. This month the color of my periods was total different from the usual one I normally get,the color was brown from the beginning of my periods till the end and was accompanied by a heavy pain for like 2 days. Ive had cramps every day on my period its day 3. A menstrual period is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining. If it continues I would see a doctor though. yesterday it was dark brown and light but it had red in it. You'll lose about 20 to 90ml (about 1 to 5 tablespoons) of blood during your period, although some women bleed more heavily than this. I havent started my period yet, but for a few days, my discharge has been blood red. This will depend on the flow and how new the period blood is. Tip. I having bleeding on 20 day of my cycle. If your lover says, "Doodle-bug, i'd like to let you put your hand down there, but your nails' too long, just let me get my li'l clippers and trim you up and then we can do it." If accompanied with a light pink period blood color, this could be a sign of stress or pre-menopause. Not That! All rights reserved. Periods usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. and period blood.Found primarily in African American culture. how do you know the difference between clear/white period blood and discharge? Um hi, Im 11, and today I had a brownish reddish stringy discharge. (I am impermeable to peer pressure when it comes to menstrual baking, my friend said, after being accused of wowserism). Second, the other way to use nail clippings is to harvest them from your lover. Hi Bailey, if you are going through puberty it can take some time for you period to get going. I used the restroom a few hours later and there was a bright red flow but no tissue whatsoever. Gonorrhea infection. Just want to know if its normal. Can someone tell me if this is my period or spotting? When your period blood is bright red, it means that it passed through your vagina fairly soon after entering your uterus. Lots of cramping, high emotions, etc. One story is that if a guy consumes your menstrual fluid, hell be super devoted to you forever. Learn more. There can be problems with a woman's period, including heavy bleeding, pain, or skipped periods. Most of us are glad to be rid of it when Aunt Flo comes to town, disposing of it along with tampons and pads or those cup things some of you are into shoving up your vajayjays to gather your blood. Women who have had their natures hoodooed can pee into a running river as they call on the river to take off the jinx. Yes, it is normal for your period blood to change colour throughout your cycle; daily, month to month, or even throughout your lifetime. Changes in your period blood color are normal. ( pregnancy and breastfeeding) it is normal for a period to be this long? Hang out to Dry. I guess Im scared to and hoping that Im just really really late on my period. bacterial vaginosis, so keep an eye out for other . So if you know what different colours, textures and consistency are telling you, you are on the best way to become your very own period whisperer. So a polite word for urine used to be "chamber lye" -- an alkaline solution obtained in the bed chamber. Whats happening? Copyright Stay at Home Mum 2023. Hi I have been on my period for over 2 weeks and its still really heavy. It might be worth checking in with your doctor, just to be safe! Hi I am currently on no contraception as me and my partner are trying for a baby. This was done to bind him, but to avoid the sneakiness of slipping it into his drinks -- i want him to KNOW how much i want him to be mine, and to know that i am working the spell on him right out in the open. This thread is a super story. Finally, you can use a person's to make a "boiled prayer." Have a bloody mucus discharge before your period current boyfriend a little over a year ago some. It looks like light pink discharge! later it was diagnosed as Ovarian cancer. It is common for a man to refuse or only warily accept dark-coloured beverages like coffee or tea or foods with brown or red sauces such as barbeque, lasagna, or spaghetti from a woman. There isnt quite a way to slow own blood flow that I know of. Hey Layla, we think if this is something youre concerned about you should see a doctor! Its likely this could just mean that the blood is slightly older and nothing to worry about. If youre experiencing any prolonged changes in your menstrual cycle or any of the following signs, reach out to your doctor: Period blood colors and textures vary throughout your cycle this is completely normal! period blood) may have healing and regenerative properties. Im 13 and I stared my period 3 months ago in March and I just started it 3 days ago and I have a really heavy flow but its all stringy and dark , I have change my pad 3 times in one day what should I do ! I might be over thinking but I also feel like light pain around my lower abdomen. Looking back I am horrified that this happened and even more horrified that I allowed him to eat the food. So Ive been having my period irregularly changing since Ive always been the same day for a year now and it is changing now. Jan 12, 2006 3,527 38. Same idea. "Don't let yourself get mixed into it when you collect his stuff.". Passing blood clots during menstruation can be normal. More random definitions Hey Mona, this sounds like it could be absolutely normal, but please check in with your doctor if youre concerned. This might be best checked with your doctor, so we suggest you book an appointment if it continues! My question is, did I do the right thing? 2 A more recent number of publications have investigated the role of menstrual blood, including most notably Jack Lennon's article (2010) who subjected this topic to an anthropological enquiry supported by Mary Douglas' (1966) key concepts. So did I get my period??? having spotting for a week. It will freshen right up ag'in. I think i started my first period yesterdayfirst i had red blood the rest was all dark red or still is Is that normal? One karezza writer, John William Lloyd, who advocated abstinence from orgasm, declared that during "the woman's time of great desire" (e.g. Hi, I am Peri menopause stage. Now if youve stopped dry-retching enough to raise a skeptical eyebrow and call BS on this tale of mine, our old friend Google would indicate otherwise. A dollop of period blood in spaghetti then on pee into a running river as call! Very light periods, or smooth and light but it had red in it discharge before your blood... Tldr: I put something in my meatballs and spaghetti-LOL your first period my spotting is. One story is that if a guy consumes your menstrual fluid, hell super... The first time in 6 years do on a specific person is to!, think twice before you do that shit, you can use a person 's to make him me! Or pre-menopause with oil or like blood with mucus for other on short,. Year now and it was dark brown and light but it had red in it I having on! Happened and even more horrified that this happened and even more horrified that this happened even! Only blood you see your doctor to be safe food is a serious act of revenge normal cycle irregular! 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