Viburnums are part of the Caprifoliaceae family and are related to other shrubs such as the honeysuckles, the abelias, and the weigelas. Plant Addicts guarantees your plant(s) will arrive happy and healthy, but the plant(s) are being shipped through the mail and accidents happen. Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' Very common in the trade. Viburnum carlesii Has it all-fragrant flowers, bright berries, fall foliage. There are more than 150 species of Viburnum; many are native to North America, growing in USDA Hardiness Zones 2 to 9. This shrub prefers well-drained, loamy, slightly acidic soil but has a wide range of tolerance for most soil types. Leaves measure 6 (15 cm) and 3 (7.5 cm) wide. We put together this helpful guide of what to do when you receive your plants in the mail. Zones 3-8, sun/part sun, 2' tall x 2' wide at maturity. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. Unless noted, viburnums grow well in moist, well-drained soil in full sun, but will also tolerate partial shade. Spring Green.. It does not do well in intense heat (though will survive if it has some shade and is mulched to keep the soil cool), and it may experience frost damage if a warm winter concludes with bitter cold at the end of the season. When viburnum plants bloom in spring, the dense leafy bushes are transformed into beautiful bright colors. Doublefile viburnum shrubs require a bit of care in zones 5 and 6 as they are shallow-rooted plants and can be susceptible to frost. Mariesii Viburnum Spacing Reaching a mature size of 10 to 12 feet Mariesii Viburnum would be an excellent choice as an accent plant or focal point in the perennial bed and make a beautiful hedge along a property border. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. . However, not every gardener has a space big enough Viburnums are usually shrubs, but their habits vary. Bloom time: May. Height and width: 10-12 x 8-10 ft. Height and width: 8-10 x 5-7 ft.. Comments: semi-evergree. americanum) produces ornamental red berries clusters. Zones: 5-8, V. plicatum var. These compact viburnum plants offer the same I have some hollies that are not doing well that I would like to replace. Bloom time: May. Bloom time: May. Walter's Viburnum, named for English-born botanist turned South Carolina farmer Thomas Walter, who first described the species in the late 1700's, is a spring-flowering mostly evergreen shrub/small tree native to the Southeastern United States. Flowers: creamy-white laceca. The foliage of broadly ovate, dark green leaves turns glorious red shades in fall. Zones: 3-7, V. lentago* (nannyberry viburnum, sheepberry) This medium-tall viburnum can be found blooming in the Woodland Garden in mid- to late April. Viburnums have two major types of flower heads: flat-topped clusters of flowers that resemble lacecap hydrangeas, and snowball types, with globe- or dome-shape flower clusters. Glasgow. Chindo viburnum is a large woody shrub that blooms in spring with showy, fragrant white flowers. They are usually spherical or ovoid and may be red, yellow, blue, or black. americanum syn. My favorite cultivars are Cayuga, a compact grower with pink buds, and Compactum, which grows to only 3 feet tall and wide in 10 years. Fruit: red to black. The shrubs mature height is about 6 ft. (1.8 m). Flowers: profuse, creamy-white laceca. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Looking at pictures of the leaves, you will see the resemblance to maple leaves. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The attractive features of this viburnum shrub are its upright rounded growth and lush, dense foliage. I have not yet had any blossom, maybe 2020. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta' (Doublefile Viburnum), Viburnum trilobum 'Redwing' (American Cranberrybush), Euphorbia characias subsp. Doublefile Viburnum Shrubs are a medium-sized, deciduous flowering shrub that have levels of horizontal branches that display the magnificent, large, white, lacecap flower clusters in spring. ", Use Geometry to Create a Beautiful Garden Plan, Shade Gardening: How to Plant Under Mature Trees and More, The Best Native Viburnums for the Northern Plains, All About Growing Catmint - Plant Trial Results, Watch Out for New Garden Pests Heading This Way, Designing a Beautiful Back BorderPlanting Plan, Small Gardens Aint So Bad | Letter from the Editor. Combine Providing months of fragrance and color, while being What a fabulous and distinctive hedge! Zones: 4-8, V. rhytidophylloides Willowwood* Viburnums excel as specimen plants or as anchors in mixed borders. Fruit: red to blac. tomentosum Summer Snowflake (doublefile viburnum) Zones: 2-8, V. dilatatum (linden viburnum) Mapleleaf viburnum is a small shrub with white flowers and foliage that is similar to maple leaves. No serious insect or disease problems. Fruit if eaten can cause a mild stomach upset. Arrowwood viburnum shrubs grow between 6 and 15 ft. (1.8 4.5 m) tall with a wide spread of similar size. Some dwarf viburnum shrubs bloom in winter, adding color to a barren garden landscape. Flowers: white lacecap. Apart from the beautiful white flower blooms in May and June, the ornamental dark green foliage and red-burgundy fall colors extend the plants seasonal interest. The fragrant snowball, Viburnum x carlcephalum, yields striking mounds of snow-white flowers that look as if they could be plucked off the bush and thrown at someone. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, Doublefile Viburnum vs. Japanese Snowball Bush. You may have seen arrowwood This viburnum makes a fine specimen. The beautiful snow-white globular flowers contrast nicely with dark green leathery oval leaves. Thank you. A few dwarf varieties, such as Viburnum opulus Nanum, are under 3 feet. Bloom time: May. It was discovered prior in time to the discovery of the wild fertile doublefile form (f. tomentosum) from which it was actually developed. Viburnum leaves come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the species. It has dark-green foliage and yellowish stems with persistent yellow fruit. Flowers: white lacecap. The round flower blossoms contrast with the green maple-like leaves. Gray Summit, MO 63039. Its fruit1/2-inch drupesturns shades of yellow, rose, pink, and finally, bluish-black. The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink. As a result of this inverted schedule of discovery, the sterile form was mistakenly given a species name (Viburnum plicatum) and the subsequently discovered fertile form (f. tomentosum) was named as if it were a variety of the species. Viburnums are sun-loving flowering plants that thrive in USDA zones 4 through 8, making them ideal ornamental landscaping shrubs for temperate climates. Flowers: creamy-white laceca. Fruits are ornamentally attractive and a food source for birds. Soil is clay. Korean Spice viburnum is a small shrub with attractive pinkish-white flowers. tomentosum 'Mariesii'): Viburnum shrubs can be grown as privacy screens and flowering hedges. This viburnum species has an irregular, rounded shape and spreading growth, making it ideal for hedgerows. If theyre content in their site, theyre usually not bothered by pests. David viburnum is a compact shrub that grows between 3 and 5 ft. (1 1.5 m) tall. Bloom time: Ma. 9 a.m.5 p.m. Some of the best types of large viburnum shrubs that grow as trees are Snowball tree (Viburnum opulus), Blackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium), and Leatherleaf viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum). A yearly application of a balanced, slow release fertilizer is recommended but not necessary once established. It is a compact cultivar, up to five feet tall, producing delicate white flowers in flat-topped clusters in early May. Fruit: pink to bluish-black. Comments: elegant horizontal branching; reddish-purple fall colo. Fruit: red-orange in pendant clusters, persisten. Depending on the above criteria well ship your plant(s) towards beginning of the following week from your order. Growth Rate: Intermediate. These large and attractive shrubs thrive Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii'. Grows up with an upright rounded habit to 3-5 ft. tall and wide (90-150 cm). Fruit: red to black. Viburnums are decorative, floral shrubs and small trees that are perfect for any size of garden. Bloom time: May. Zones: 4-8, V. dilatatum Erie Copyright 2018 - 2022 by Missouri Botanical Garden. tomentosum Newport (doublefile viburnum) to accommodate these large shrubs. If this is your situation, help is on the way as new dwarf Odoratissimum can be kept 4 to 6 feet, suspensum 3 to 5 feet tall. In fall, the shrubby plant turns warm shades of orange and red. Mayflower viburnum ( V. carlesii ), an old garden favorite, is popular for good reason. Comments: yellow-to-red fall color;. A close kin to these two natives is blackhaw viburnum (V. prunifolium). The white flowers contrast with ovate, glossy green leaves. Comments: orange to purple fall color. Xanthocarpum, a white-flowering lacecap type, is one of my top-10 viburnums. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. Bloom time: May (may continue blooming. The latters late-winter blooms provide a wonderful display. The multi-stemmed shrub has long lance-shaped glossy-green leaves. The mapleleaf viburnum, Viburnum acerifolium, has leaves that could easily be mistaken for maple leaves, but the secret is out in the first to second week of May when bright white, lacecap flowers hang off a long stalk. Bloom time: June. The rusty blackhaw also produces a brilliant red fall leaf. Height and width: 8 x 9 ft. This dwarf, low-growing version of doublefile viburnum creates dozens of new landscaping opportunities. In late summer red berry-like drupes eventually turn black and are ornamental and attract birds who feed on them. Sweet viburnum has large, dark green glossy green leaves in an ovate shape. These shrubs tend to like more acidic, well-draining soil, so if the soil has too much nitrogen, it will produce more leaves than flowers. Amending the soil with compost to improve drainage is a good idea in clay soils. V. acerfolium* (mapleleaf viburnum) Flowers: white snowball; light fragrance. Sweet viburnum berries are red as they ripen and gradually turn black when fully ripe. Limbs that had fallen on the ground had taken root and formed a colony. The viburnum got a new home without competing for space and light and is thriving. The Viburnum opulus Nanum is a dwarf viburnum that doesnt grow taller than 2 ft. (0.6 m). Viburnum plicatum is a dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 8-15 tall with a slightly larger spread. Will they be evergreen in the North Dallas area? Comments: great color for shrub border. Height and width: 7 x 5 ft. The 'Mariesii' viburnum is a very beautiful shrub which has a blooming as magnificent in spring as its foliage is in fall. when is the time to plant it? Witherod viburnu (Viburnum cassinoides): This North American native for zones 3 to 8 reaches 5 to 12 feet in height and width at maturity. Place the tray in a location with full sun to partial shade, where temperatures stay between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Viburnum davidiiis dioecious, so you'll need both male and female plants to guarantee berries. They are admired for their foliage, flowers, and fruit. Flowers: white lacecap. Laurustine (Viburnum tinus) is a winter flowering shrub with whitish-pink flowers in flat-topped clusters. Comments: purple-red fall foliage; lovely native tree, mildew-resistant. Shop all fruit plants, including elderberry, pomegranate, honeysuckle, haskap & more! Chindo viburnum also has a fast growth habit, and its densely growing crown forms a pyramidal shape. Growing this shrub from seed is a long and lengthy process and can take as much as 18 months for the seeds to germinate. My current garden is in Zone 6, Connecticut, but Ive also grown viburnums in the Zone 2 climate of Vermont. Viburnum shrubs and trees grow best in a sunny spot or in a garden area that gets partial shade. Comments: new foliage is maroon; must have moist soil. The actual size/ages of plants are estimates and will vary based on; type of plant, time of year, last pruning & many other factors. Viburnum plants have excellent spreading growth, and you should plant them in a location where they have enough space to grow. Leatherleaf viburnum shrubs grow between 6 and 10 ft. (1.8 3 m) tall. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions. 'Mariesii' is a large deciduous shrub with wide-spreading, tiered branches and prominently veined, dark green, ovate leaves, purple in autumn. cultivars so you can now start growing dwarf viburnums. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. Spots on leaves that are black, reddish brown, or pale green, are types of fungus that you should be on the lookout for on your viburnum. The leaves of mapleleaf viburnum (V. acerfolium) turn various colors in fall. St. Louis, MO 63110, 15050 Faust Park Join now and start creating your dream garden! These viburnum shrubs grow up to 10 ft. (3 m) tall. I like the way its brilliant red-to-black fruit looks against the foliage. Plant them in the fall to enjoy moderate annual growth. tomentosum Newport, V. carlesii Compactum, and V. bodnantense Dawn. The flowers form in flat clusters, 2 to 4 inches wide, giving way to small, red, egg-shaped fruits that bear viable seeds. After the leaves drop the rest of the season it looks fine. Zones: 4-8, V. dentatum* (arrowwood viburnum) Spring through July is the best time to take cuttings, as new growth will be present on the branch tips. Also, pendulous black edible berry-like fruits add to the shrubs appealing qualities. 2019-09-25. true. Weve seen that viburnums can produce different flower shapes, can be evergreen or not, and can produce long lasting fruits for winter birds. Fruit: black; often persists into winter. Another evergreen that is winter hardy in our area is the Prague viburnum, Viburnum 'Pragense', which also blooms in late April and can be found along the main trail in the Woodland Garden. Zone: Zone 6 - 9. Let your nose follow the heavenly scent. There are many fine cultivars in this group, though some of my favorites have little or no fragrance. Are the berries on the viburnum trilobum edible or poisonous ? All these can appear on a single plant at the same time. Viburnums are attractive flowering shrubs that add beauty to any garden. The scarlet-red berries contrast nicely with the lush green shiny foliage. Flowers: pink opening to white snowballs, fragran. Height and width: 5 x 5 ft. Bloom time: May. Also known as Korean spice viburnum, it has very fragrant pink buds that open to showy white snowball flowers. Zones: Zones 2-11, depending on variety. They might offer The hybrid lantanaphyllum, Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana 'Mohican'), is an evergreen shrub that blooms in April, sometimes producing flowers on and off through the summer, and can be found in the Carver Garden in beds 2 and 3. The dark green leaves on this dense, multi-stemmed shrub are toothed and oval in shape, turning an attractive burgundy red in autumn. Bloom time: June-September. Peat moss, cow manure or compost may be added to the site in preparation for planting. Zones: 5-7, V. sieboldii (Seibold viburnum) David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. Although the 'Mariesii' cultivaris relatively pest-resistant, it may experience viburnum leaf beetles (Pyrrhalta viburni) and aphids. Read on for information about small Is this normal? In my garden, it usually makes it through winter looking good. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. Comments: pale-yellow to orange-red fall colo. Height and width: 7 x 6 ft. Besides having attractive foliage and growth habits, the best viburnums also offer lovelysometimes even fragrantflowers. These plants like a lot of sunlight, and too much shade can keep them from showing off those beautiful blooms that appear in April and May. Viburnum shrubs are versatile landscaping plants that add color to the garden throughout all seasons. Flowers: creamy white lacecap, slightly fragran. Viburnum plicatum is a dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 8-15' tall with a slightly larger spread. Also called mirror leaf viburnum, the Chindo shrub grows between 10 and 12 ft. (3 3.6 m) tall. The chindo shrub grows between 10 and 12 ft. ( 1 1.5 m ) tall shrub grows between and... Red berry-like drupes eventually turn black when fully ripe eaten can cause a mild stomach upset ornamental landscaping for... 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